Thursday, March 27, 2008

You mean it's STILL March?

oh man - Ash plays an awesome show at Sullivan Hall wearing lederhosen and my world turns upside down & I can't blog anymore...

and by my World Turning Upside Down I mean I tired and took one day off (uh oh, someone likes hyperboles).

but seriously - her show might have been the happiest night of my life. hey - who's this post about anyway? let's get back to Ash. did you know my mom braided my hair last night? and i wore it to work today. and it still looks great. but not as good as Ash. but better than Ash braided on top of my head.

Actually Monkey told me to write some of that. Did it sound like it came from me? I wonder if she took over for one day if you could tell (I smell a future satire coming on)? I pride myself on having a consistant voice.
That's a LIE but someone (Hi Sheri!) once told me that Le Blog had a consistant voice and that was the nicest thing anyone could ever tell me (sans hyperbole).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amber! Your blog does have a consistent voice and its a voice that I ADORE! I'm sorry you're pooped, but build up your energies, rest, eat TWO slices of pizza WITH a LARGE soda and get to blogging because you are my #1 source of entertainment these days.