Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hey, who likes to cook delicious foods?

I once asked all my friends to participate in an email recipe exchange (yeah, I did). Our darling Clara, ESQ. wrote:

From: Clara's EMAIL
To: ME

Ghetto Delight (politically correct name pending)

1 box graham crackers
1 tub store-bought frosting

lay half of the graham crackers flat side-up on freshly-washed counter.
smear frosting on them. cover frosting with other half of graham crackers,
flat side-down. enjoy!

note: for best results prepare at least two hours in advance to eliminate
excessive crunchiness.

I got many wonderful recipes like Clara's, but did you know Ash was the first person to respond with:

that counts, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i always hated those freakin' chain letter recipe things. I finally turned a family favorite recipe into a .jpg so I could easily plug it into an email.
Recipe chain letters should be outlawed! No one ever actually makes the recipes they get. Although, if I got Ashley's I'd totally make it. Or maybe I'd turn it into a birthday cake.
Marshmallows, chocoate...hmmmm. sounds like a winner!