Monday, March 17, 2008

In honor of Tiny Kieren's birthday today & Ash

To: Me, Kieren & Stephen (If you even tell ME to read The Elements of Style I'll smack you)

From: Ash¹s

Why don't you
send those photos to someone so you can be the editor in chief of whatever you want,
Kieren send those photos to someone so you can be the muse to who ever you want
& Stephen send those photos to someone so you can shoot whoever you want?

Seriously, u 3 just fabricated a golden ticket to anything.
that's all.
Is that all u did this weekend?
(aka create a new element for the periodic table)

1 comment:

kieren said...

HEY! that was a good day in the rain in the park. oh man. if i wasn't already in love with amber, i would have been that day. are you and ash back from CA? i need you in NYC!