Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ash gets all political. . .

BACKGROUND: Our sister + Niece went to a Romney rally with signs and even got on TV (the night before he dropped out). Also I tried to give up chocolate for Lent - even though our family stopped being Catholic 50 years ago. Ash Really didn't approve of my 'sacrifice' b/c she gave up chocolate for Lent 8 years ago and never fully recovered. Ash was also getting impatient b/c her precious girl scout cookies hadn't arrived yet. If this email is offensive it's ALL Ash's fault.


Subject: guess you heard

Romney's out.
Not to point fingers, but
Maybe if you made your signs sparkle a little bit more @lisa...
i'm sure it's NIECE'S fault.
where's my cookies.
Lent that amber!-
If you give up chocolate no girl scout cookies.
Now stop being stupid, i mean catholic.

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