Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hey someone has a birthday this month. . .

OK, everyone we know has a birthday this month but I'm talking about my little sis' ("sí, mi hermana").

AND she has a gig on the 26th (Sullivan Hall - go there) so in honor of her I thought I'd share with you all how funny she is.

She would kill me if she knew I was doing this, Thank GOODNESS she doesn't read my blog. . . so I can do whatever the heck I like (no, I'm not bitter).

Here are a few responses to one of THOSE emails (she made up her own questions at the end).

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Ashley Virginia kicka$# 1st (it's not cussing if it's oneword)
3. Nicknames: Scratchers, Monkey, Mambiano, Mambo, Sexy/ Mama depending on construction site
13. Croutons or bacon bits: BACON! It's BACON! Bacon-bacon-bacon...
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: U think I go to "Warner Bros on Ice" on Christmas Day? no!
21. Favorite Fast Food: chocolate
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email? Funny as poop Alisa
26. What do you do most often when you are bored: Ask amber to change song.
29. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: I don’t want anyone to feel awkward. Let's just say, there's a 50% chance karisa/50%clara
31. Favorite TV shows: A.D., OC, Conan, ANTM, Will & Hag
33. Your car: New York=New car: Silver Bullet i pay to have schaeffer me+ my closet 1000 friends, who all chip in to pay for the ride. some of them even sleep in it.
46: 2nd Career your sister would secretly love to pursue: pole dancer, go-go dancer(amber). Alisa: she already gots a 2nd,&3rd,&4th...she just calls them "hobbies"
47: Secret talent your sister has: counts like Rainman, does %s in her head faster than anyone.
48. Best use of breaking the sabbath: FF [note: author is referring to a band]
or ritz carlton brunch- either one,
both equally satiating,
with opposite effects on the waistline.

This isn't even the half of it . . . Oh yeah, there's more to come.


Anonymous said...

she is funny. must have learned it from her older too hip sister and I'm not talking the 40 yr. old sister... she's not funny at all.
just funny looking!

AM said...

whoever wrote this better be one of my blood relatives...