Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ok guys, this post will be the death of me

Seriously, someone is going to kill me for this

But I mean, 'Come On!' how could I NOT share this?

You're Welcome

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Live every day like it's shark Week

I know, I know, it seems like I was just writing about Shark Week on the Discovery channel . . . And the sharks are still out there killing - I've made very little progress on my goal . . . wait, this is going to be about Mugsy - not Sharks.

So this is obviously a still from the only Great White attack caught on film. No, no this is Mugsy's awesome home theater (and the only Great White attack caught on film).

You remember Mugsy from such edifying posts as this ONE, right?

Here he is in his new apt - that rug really tied the room together.

When I asked Mugsy for a statement or message he'd like to share to the world (AKA My London Friends) he said, "You obviously didn't read the mug."

He's a man of few words and by that I mean No words.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hey guys, guess who has a secret identity?

Wait - it's not a secret if I tell you, huh?

OK fine, but i won't tell you who my masked partner is . . .

@lisa made some comment about Super Heroes or something and little did she know I was planning on outing myself long before. Hmmm, is there a better way to phrase that? Nah, plus mom never really did catch on to reading this. Moving on . . .

. . . By day we help kittens cross the street & brush little children's hair

And at night we turn into a coupla hard hittin' girls who'll go to work on the homes with a pair of pliers and a blow torch and who will get medieval on your . . .new house

You know, like Interior Designers.

But notice we never take our masks off.

Well, at least I don't.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So I was napping in the cleanest park ever...

... and then i realized it was July 15th and that sort of means Summer is half over . . . and I got really bummed out

Ash did too.

THEN i remembered that so far this has been a pretty darn good Time

like remember when we conquered the sea on our way to Ikea?

and when someone offered us free babies ?

I was wearing a skirt so i passed on the offer

and i went to an art installation

in my roommate's car

And I even had time to do stuff in nature

at least I think it was nature - it was pretty dark

OK, fine, I won't be bummed out but the 2nd half better go by slow (damn you Time! why do you torment me so?!)

What? He doesn't represent Time for you too?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hey guys, bet you didn't know I was so tough?

So this is me on top of a hill that I'm pretty sure was made of marble

How do I know it was marble?

Oh, I don't know

Because I had to scale the face of it

Barefoot! Ha!
And it was the slipperiest piece of rock I've ever climbed.

Yes there were stairs on the side that I didn't see that led to the top but you can't expect me to think AND rock climb do you?

That wasn't even the half of it. . .

See how this is on a high hill?

Well I went to the side of that hill - maybe I'll call it a mountain, yeah... So I went to the very edge where the only thing keeping me from falling a lot of meters was a 1-meter-tall wall. Wanting to test the security/ tourist safety I climbed to the top & nothing happened.

It was only when I stuck my foot and then tried to take a photo & almost slipped did I hear a faint whistle in the background. I looked over & a man (guard?) sitting at the other end with said whistle was pointing at me.

Oh good, glad he was there to keep me safe.

Maybe he thought I could handle it because I looked like this

Monday, July 7, 2008

Did I mention there were boys in Greece?

Not that I saw any of them

Oh Wait - I did see them ONCE - for a second - when my Partner in Crime deemed it OK. She was scared I'd chase them away and sure enough 2 seconds later they ran away (but we got to keep the dog)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Guys, it's THAT time of year again

You know, that time when I invite you all to my house for an annual 4th of July swim party (and if you can't swim you can still come - we have floaties) and you bring your children or husbands or maybe both. And you all can meet my New Roommate (more on him later).