Friday, February 29, 2008

Hey who likes to read?

First of all, who knew THIS could happen?

Second, do you know what freaks me out? Falling asleep. It's kind of scary - your body shutting off for an undetermined amount of time? The scariest part is right Right before you pass out - I always get stressed out and wake myself up. Also - I always try to

remember how I woke up - was I in the same place as when I fell asleep? and I never remember - that's crazy! So my cure is to stay up really late (usually after 1:30AM) so when I do sleep its quick and painless b/c i'm so exhausted.

Third, why do I feel like I need to apologize for liking Kasabian? If I was a fan of mid-90s britpop wouldn't my logical next step for the 21st c. be someone like them? Who cares that those boys slag people off and are pretty to look at (wait - I think I do) I like their music.

Remember when I saw Ian Brown live and after every song he'd clap really hard over his head for himself? Every time he did that I thought the set was over - seriously, he tricked me like 5 times. Kasabian live remind me of that show.

Fourth, you know what REALLY freaks me out? Forget falling asleep - TIME. Time freaks me out. I have to not think about it or it hurts my

fragile brain. So, it's part of the measuring system - OK it starts off normal enough but then you think - it measures something that you can never take back. I'm thinking more along the line of Newton (it's a dimension. wait, what?!) more than Kant (what do you know, Kant? don't try to place limits on my reason and don't patronize my belief in the Afterlife). Let's not get into it - it's like Alvy Singer realizing the universe is expanding - what business is that of mine? None, right? Right?

Whatever - work had dried mango in the caf so I'm happy no matter what.


Anonymous said...

she's a ramblin, ramblin, ramblin, gal....

Love the Mambo for Cats! If that's a real record, I want to play it on my 45! Bring it when you come visit L.A.!

Hepworths said...

Is Diane my hero? Mary Poppins? Yes. How in the world?