Friday, February 15, 2008

You're the best . . .

So there's this thing called TiVo and I'm just starting to get acquainted / learn how to use it and good thing because I saw that my all-time favorite movie was going to be on:

And I'd say for the last 4 years I've been mildly obsessed with the line, "Put 'im in a body bag Johnny!" And now thanks to TiVo I can re-live that moment over and over. And since I haven't seen that film in oh, maybe 18 years, I assumed that line took place during THIS scene:

But I was wrong! I was starting to think that maybe I made that line up... but it was finally in the last scene, in the background (you could barely understand it) someone yells, "Put him in a body bag!"
Man! My dreams were dashed!
It wasn't as good as I thought . . . but is it ever?

That's OK, you know I just wanted to watch the scene where the greatest song ever written is juxtaposed with karate mastery.

Unfortunately once you've seen this scene, the original doesn't compare:

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