Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mmm, we're bland

Actually, what we are observing in this photo is a scale - and a stunning bar graph - of the degrees of toughness in the New York winter. We start with Di, who is obviously a wuss and move up to Stephen who incontestably has no feeling in his extremities. I'd say that the ideal scenario involves the third example from the left - who is an awesome genius and displays the perfect amount of fortitude.


Stephen said...

i am the master of extremities...

Anonymous said...

so happy I live in California. It's 67 degrees and I'm whining!
Where's my gloves???

Di said...

hey buddy, i like wearing a sleeping bag as a coat.

Hepworths said...

sorry ambie pants, but i've always been a little jealous of di's sleeping bag.