Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Live every day like it's shark Week

I know, I know, it seems like I was just writing about Shark Week on the Discovery channel . . . And the sharks are still out there killing - I've made very little progress on my goal . . . wait, this is going to be about Mugsy - not Sharks.

So this is obviously a still from the only Great White attack caught on film. No, no this is Mugsy's awesome home theater (and the only Great White attack caught on film).

You remember Mugsy from such edifying posts as this ONE, right?

Here he is in his new apt - that rug really tied the room together.

When I asked Mugsy for a statement or message he'd like to share to the world (AKA My London Friends) he said, "You obviously didn't read the mug."

He's a man of few words and by that I mean No words.

1 comment:

Di said...

this is funny. i was sad to miss shark week for the fifth time this year.