Ash's email to Dad and I to prepare for our up-coming trip:
Pre-Surf Exercises To Do At Work:
1. Peddle Paddle! Work those little feetbunnies. Oh yes, those ankles/achilles and toes will be going through a mini marathon each day out to the waves. Start your paddling under your desks now!
2. Shoulder rolls. Oh yeah. You don't need Suzzanne Summers and a torn 1 shoulder-sweatshirt with purple headband bridling back a brigade of renegade teased bangs to give this a comeback. Everybody roll, roll, roll those shoulders (forwards + backwards) to loosen up the delts/rotar cuffs now.
3. Hot Chair! Put hands on either side of chair + lift bunda up. Alternate corners of chair hands are braced. Wrists/forearms need to be flexible for curling them in the "omigosh how big is that wave?" position around the corners of surfboard.
4. As you sit in chair: Put both feet flat on ground- pretend you're going to get up- STOP 4" into you actually standing up. Now keep typing/emailing, working, talking, working the quads, answering phones, working quads, etc. etc. Hold for as long as you can. Then know that I held it 10 seconds longer.
While making chuck norris cry (after beating him at arm wrestling). But it's ok, because now we can cure cancer w/ the tears.
5. Practice holding breath. Don't tell co-workers. See how long you can go w/out audible response. If they even start to infiltrate your secret lung training method- just point to throat + shake head No, like you've lost your voice. Never Surrender! And know this: I held it 10 seconds longer.
6. Dive on desk, clearing all debris w/ one arm swoop, incorporating all techniques from 1-5 and Stand!
7. Pick up papers/personals into box as boss just fired you.
-Drill Sgt.A1st
Your hamstrings,quadroceps,calves,metatarsels, plantar fasciitis, tibia fibula, ilio tibial, latissimus, oso soremus, trapezius, aci momamus, gluteus maximus, anterior cruciate ligaments, deltoids, triceps, lumbar, and pectorals will thank you later.
Amber guess which ones i made up.