Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guys, I can't take the snow

I'm sick of the cold & sleeping with the oven on all night
(OK that was actually an accident but I woke up so don't get upset).

Remember warm weather & trees that weren't dead?

I once went to a Garden that doubted its beauty so they had photos of what it looked like at its best:

But I was there this fall & it was lovely.

Gardens with low self esteem are so gosh darn sad.

In fact this garden smelled so good I bet Di would have Died.

& their leaves were huge.
I couldn't even step on it because it was so giant - I had too much respect for it.

& remember these trees?
They never have to die because they lived in the warmest weather

& were so scary at night
I loved them so much
P.S. it's night & I'm in a light sweater!
Living in cold weather 9 months out of the year is really messing with my head.

Here I am with another precious tree & I don't even have a light sweater!
Oh Well.
Back to my winter wardrobe
Seriously - doesn't this look like my summer tree climbing attire?
I told you I dressed like an 80 yr old lady.


Alicia said...

the important thing is: were you warm enough? Love the trees!

Di said...

why won't you tell us where you were? i should know i guess. but i ate at hot dog on a stick yesterday and it made me forgetful. irregardlesslyful, it was magical.

AM said...

i didn't know it was a secret - but now that i know you think it is FOR SURE i won't tell.