Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guys, I can't take the snow

I'm sick of the cold & sleeping with the oven on all night
(OK that was actually an accident but I woke up so don't get upset).

Remember warm weather & trees that weren't dead?

I once went to a Garden that doubted its beauty so they had photos of what it looked like at its best:

But I was there this fall & it was lovely.

Gardens with low self esteem are so gosh darn sad.

In fact this garden smelled so good I bet Di would have Died.

& their leaves were huge.
I couldn't even step on it because it was so giant - I had too much respect for it.

& remember these trees?
They never have to die because they lived in the warmest weather

& were so scary at night
I loved them so much
P.S. it's night & I'm in a light sweater!
Living in cold weather 9 months out of the year is really messing with my head.

Here I am with another precious tree & I don't even have a light sweater!
Oh Well.
Back to my winter wardrobe
Seriously - doesn't this look like my summer tree climbing attire?
I told you I dressed like an 80 yr old lady.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Guys, I'm Cultural

I couldn't tell if this ad was being sarcastic
Like they're trying to prove that you're Not cultural?
So I decided to go there just to make a point.
Turns out I take the Yellow Q train.

The whole experience reminded me of the last time I did something cultural . . .

January 2009...

No! Not this!

I'm talking about a private tour of St Paul's Cathedral by Niall's Uncle

The best part was we got to brake ALL the rules:

I touched everything

I got to play with the lighting system from a restricted area

You can't see this area if you're a Commoner

They used these stairs in various movies like Harry Potter - but I recognized them from a more well known Film

You're not even allowed to take photos
Mich wanted me to follow this rule
(she doesn't like it when I take 100+ of photos of her- oops)

Even locked doors couldn't stop us
Well they did but only slightly
I didn't have to be let in this library - I saw all the books anyway. Ha!

We even did dangerous stuff
Have you ever stood on the reverse of a domed ceiling?

Sounds dangerous and when you do it - it IS a little scary.

But you see stuff like this:
And then your hands start to sweat and it's time to go home.

So much culture - I had to wait a year+ to do something classy again.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Forget Olympic Fever

Thanks to Ash I have Plushenko Fever
Back in 2006 she sent me THIS VIDEO
And "YES" I think he was robbed of the Gold.

He's unusually handsome, right?

I usually have rules about
liking guys who can do the splits -
as in I cannot like them -
but he's one of the Very few exceptions.

He might be the only exception.

Maybe b/c his hair distracts me so...?

I have a friend who can't handle all the kisses he blows to the screen
but I think that's jealousy talking, no?

I seriously cannot get enough of him (He's the one in the middle)

You're Welcome.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Last year I spent Valentine's on a Cannon

& looking at Bald Eagles in a Cemetery. . . I know, you're sick with jealousy
I won't even tell you what I ate (but it was BBQ related) & how fast I ran that 5K.

This Year I spent Valentine's WITH a Cannon

& she made me expensive jewelryb/c I'm THAT kind of girl

& b/c I like to be efficient she made sure there were multiple uses for my present.
Like clothing for my New Boyfriend.
I know I don't write about my relationships but I thought I'd make an exception - you know, cause of the day.
P.S. Miss Abby also gave my man a hat b/c I was complaining about his lack of accessories.

THEN I went to Lucie's & when I told her I had volunteered to bring cookies to a "party" & showed her my Trader-Joe's-cookies-in-a-bag she whipped THIS up:

& insisted I take this & keep the platter.

After the "party" & by "party" I mean a talk on statistics I went to visit this Monkey:

& she made me so much Carne Asada Tacos I really did get sick. (Her goal).

I then spent the last moments of the day on her couch, delirious, talking about the different dads on Modern Family.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What does it feel like to be healthy?

I think it feels like this:Moments before Consumption took over.

Although I got spoiled with people fetching medicine + liquids & Offering to FedEx medicine + liquids.

If you're ever so sick you start to get delirious and talk about "Driving Miss Daisy" - you should do it HERE. Wieland insisted I take his room for a day to get better. I thought of taking a photo but then I passed out.

Then he and Die went HERE to get Best Cookies Ever Born.
I'm assuming since I could only look at them - but they told me they were delicious. Esp. Di, she couldn't stop talking about how delicious and perfect they were. I loved listening to that.
Imagine the best blueberry muffin top - then make it better - then make That into a cookie.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guys, I learned something at P.S.11

That when you go to a
book fair at an NY Public
Elementary school
you get awesome stuff like this.

There were other gems -
like the book on Race and Heredity from the '60s
that I stole for
A Monkey. I know that one will be
extremely informative. Not at All offensive, I'm sure.

Moving on, My Paris Posts will take a while but this photo reminded me of something:

When I was on my lovely
AirFrance flight home with
A LOT of movies/tv shows
to choose from - I decided
I'd sit through this movie :

. . . mostly b/c Seth Romatelli
from Uhh Yeah Dude loved it.

But I LOVED it too!
Almost too much maybe.
I mean I REALLY liked it.
Turns out - he was really talented.
I kept telling Ash about it (I mean Over + Over + Over + Over - like a monkey with a miniature symbol) and she finally broke down and saw it and guess what? She loved it too.

Well - since we're talking movies...
This photo
Reminds me of how I THOUGHT
I'd feel about that other movie.
You know that one long movie.
With the animals & trees.
The one about Science.
The one that told me I CAN fly if I want.

But I didn't feel like that.

I felt like this (& Maybe Di did too)

But let's never talk about it.

Instead let's talk about an exciting visit from one of my favorite people ever born.
That's RIGHT! The Famous Wieland is in NY visiting - creating the Internet Part 2.
W. couldn't get over how fancy my apt was.
& we couldn't get over how adorable his kids are (& I'm a harsh judge of cute kids).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Look Guys, I've been busy

Not sure what I've been busy doing - maybe watching Conan on Hulu.
But I knew one thing - before I could work on my Paris movies I had to finish my SF movies - even my mom knew that My Bek wouldn't like it if I posted Paris before San Fran.