Sunday, April 20, 2008

I learned 2 Things Today

When I was 12 I hit my head on a rock and had to get stiches. . . and apparently if I'm going to get stiches I guess there's just one acceptable place for me to get them.

Also when I was younger and I went to the dentist I always required twice as much novacaine as the normal patient.

And today when I got hit in the head with my board (but I was standing up right before I fell and that's all that really matters, right?) and had to get 7 stiches I learned that I require twice as much novacaine on my face - and I learned this as I felt stich 4 -5 -6 and 7 as if this was olden times and ana-stee-ja (Spell check in Spanish is not going to help this post so you have to read phoenetically) did not work.

Before the 'Doctor' started to sew me up I jokingly (cruel irony!) asked my dad to hold me down while Ash took a walk in the woods. Turns out my dad had to leave the room (at stich 4) and Ash had to come in and talk to me as I had a needle and thread pull on my open wound.

I've never hated sweing more in my whole life.

What I learn:
stiches in head only for ME
i have a high tolerance for drugs


Di said...

little lady...i'm so sorry. owie! are you gonna come back to nyc with a huge scar, a heavy italian accent, and start working in the restaurant below my apt??

Anonymous said...

Can you get your stitches wet you nerd! If you're gonna get stitches on your freakin' head, at least you should have waited 'til your last day there!...and they better not be on your face... can you be more general? Where are the stitches? Head, face, cheek? Nose? Chin? And I have just one question... if you ever found a man to marry you, will the scar be visible in the wedding pictures?????

Alicia said...

yes, your mom reads your blog....and she wants to know: did a qualified surgeon do the stitches? where is the CRS (Costa Rica scar) located? how many palms did dad grease to get the B1st treatment? Honestly, Amber, can't you think of another way to get a attention? All kidding aside....poor little Ambie....has a new "coco"..... I'm betting you're back on the surf board tomorrow...:)

Di said...

amber, i agree with your la modern sister that you need to be more specific about the scar. or perhaps a picture? mostly, i just wanted to say hi to your mom. hi alicia!!

AM said...

the stiches start where one eyebrow ends - so right now the black stiches look like an unruly eyebrow. about 3/4 of an inch long. ash said, 'it looks like the surfboard asked permission where to hit your face and then someone at sephora (not a 1st day employee - a 2nd day employee) drew a black pencil to extend your eyebrow and thats where the board aimed.'

Anonymous said...

Publicity Stunt..Maybe! As the following morning with her new found celebrity status all the instructors and other surf campers watched as Amber put on a brave face (to match the large white tape over gauze patch above her eye) and entered the water...then the first wave and a go signal from her instructor...Suddenly Amber is up on the board and smiling as she rides the first wave 50 yards across the beach right up to the sand!!! Howls and high fives wnet up everywhere...that night the owner of the place complimented her and the General Mgr. took us to a secret ritzy hotel on the beach for dinner...ahh the Injury that just keeps giving!!!

Anonymous said...


I was sitting in the open beach lobby of the hotel when I saw the Witch's Rock van pull up and two guys get out then unload their personalized covered surfboards. These were real surfers!
Several hours later, after another day of surf camp, I found myself in the pool watching other campers take lessons in the ocean. I noticed one of the guys I had watched unload his own board in the pool and talking to his friend. I made some conversation about his board cover and soon we were talking about the camp and how we all loved to surf.
Then it happened..He looked at me and said, "Dude, I heard a girl got SMACKED in the head with her board this week...blood everywhere...went and got stiched up...came back grabbed her board and rode an Outsider (wave) all the way to the sand! Talk about loving to surf!"
Naturally, I informed these guys this was my own daughter! They responded with questions and real admiration. I did not inform them that it was actually 24 hours later that Amber rode a big one all the way in on her first try...why destroy a growing camp legend??? Soon they were ordering drinks and one turned to me and said, "Dude can I buy you a beer?"
My answer, "Nah...a strawberry pineapple smoothie with fries will be fine. I'm going up to the room and I will share it with my will be good for her."
Ahhhh the gift that just keeps giving!!!

Sarah said...

i want to nurse you back to health.