Thursday, April 3, 2008

Guess what today is?

So today was Take Your Sister to Work Day.
It started off with Mich's lovely sister Charlotte visiting me at our shoot because Mich is out of the country and they don't celebrate TYSTW Day in the UK (because they're fascists, just kidding, they're socialists).
This is Charlotte on the right:

She was dressed a little more casual today.

After her visit I ran down to visit MY sister here

That's right, my sister works in Disneyland.
If Ash's building is in Disneyland - her building is Tsar Town USA - there were That many Russians.

You know how they say You can't know what your sister's life is like until you walk a mile in her shoes at her desk?

Yeah, I know what those shoes feel like - they feel like POWER.

I didn't realize until today that when she wants to make a personal call she has to go on the fire escape

(don't worry mom, that's a pen. just kidding! my mom doesn't read my blog)


Go to the bathroom and talk there. I can't tell if they were kidding or not - Russians can be intimidating.

Now that I know the sacrifice she makes I'm gonna insist she calls me once a day - at least.
This is what Ash said when I told her that,

I had to take the sound out to protect our young readers (Hi Sheri!).

Hey, maybe next year when Ash takes me to work day it'll be like this


Anonymous said...

no wonder she doesn't answer her cell phone at work... she has to run to the fire escape. that explains it. people might think there's a fire...
oh there is a fire... in her heart!


Mitch said...

how lucky is my sister that she got to have lunch at a photo shoot? you are too nice.