Monday, November 15, 2010

Kitty wants some candy

Uh.. hellow... when i grow up, i want to be a cat:

[Note: That is a real cat. Not taxidermized. And I'm sure all animals involved were hurt]
[[Hurt, as in; offended it was put next to Ambie in this photo, which is about as rotten luck as standing next to halle berry on the red carpet.]]

No really...
See my ears? I mean, couture "hat" I bought in England?

(Yes, and "tasers" are just misunderstood sparkle wands)

Kitty wants some candy~ rrrrRRRAWR!!!

[Clueless people click here: ]


Mitch said...


Bek said...

I second that meow.

AM said...

sisters are sooooo funny.
obviously this wasn't my work - cause the hat's from Paris not the UK! Duh!