Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Nov@@rica Everybody~!~!

That's Right-

Just when NovAmber couldn't get any better-

It goes & collides like an eclipse w/ NovAarica in a massive supernova 'o Awesome!

Behold, the other birthday girl this month w/ rockin style:
(...which she gets from her NY Aunties;)

No, literally, have you opened up your nyc bday pkg or what?!

That is, if she's not too busy starring in Sterling Knight movies, or changing the world with her award winning Reflections films. . .

Happy Birthday @@rica!


Alicia said...

Aarica, are growing up too fast.....slow down!!

Bek said...

aarica is the coolest. she might even be cooler than amber. (sorry, amber, but it's true). xo