Saturday, November 20, 2010

Amber's New Best Friend: Diane!

Yes, that Diane.(cuz one can never have too many famous Diane friends...
Cannon? Check. Click here 
Keaton?.....Double Check)

No, that was not an earthquake today--
It was just the supernova meeting of these two icons:

Diane: Are we wearing almost the same thing?...
Amber: [[Yes, *but not in the stalker sense; just the separated at birth sense, my beloved sweet Woody Allen Muse]]

Amber: uh...IT'S OKAY~! I'm your doppleganger!!

Diane: Oh goood, good, I thought I was gonna have to call the cops Again.

Amber: No, no, let's not resort to that schadenfreude, shall I get your number to discuss Tolstoy, turtlenecks, and Tennyson?

Diane: How alliterative of you- you meant turtlenecks at the beach, right?

Amber: Oh, of course. That's my favorite swimsuit too- with gloves if i could!

Diane: Okay, you've been reading those fan magazines. . .

Amber: No, it's for my job, I just naturally gravitate to victorian style and love your sense of je ne sais ...prude .

And then the earth caved in.


LaModernGirl said...

it was a special day. just glad the papparazzi was there to capture it all!

Bek said...

um, how come i never heard about this?

Mitch said...

NovAmber...the month of miracles. How fortunate for Diane!