Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Guys, now that 2013 is half over, let's catch up . . .

The worst part is, when I signed on and saw the last post was in Dec I thought, 'Well its only 2 months into the year . . . '
I have no concept of time now and I blame these guys:

Let me introduce you to some of these monkeys. . .

We have C.C., the animal lover:

There's Bee, our Daredevil:

Annie, our giggle monster:

'Lil Bear, our intellect:

And last but not least, Magic Man, our comedian magician:
 (His shoes say it all: half California Dude, Half Country Man)

We live in America.

I mean the real America.

In the woods behind a farm:

And we are casual folk:

1 comment:

Christy and Jason said...

Love it! Hope you are taking it all in stride! That is a lot to get used to and figure out, but so awesome too! xoxo