Friday, January 1, 2010

Guys, my family is special

There are the women

And we always turn up to parties in the same colors and with animals.

You don't believe me?

Anyway, there's our Mexican Martha Stewart

And then there's this one - Mother Teresa On Speed - we don't mean that name disrespectfully, she can't stop doing good deeds for people at lightning speed

There's Monkey

This is what she looks like when she's awake

& moi (I'm talking about myself now)

listen - i stood on one piece of furniture & suddenly I have a reputation for dancing on anything that will hold me

And our tiny mom who wears heals in the kitchen

Then there are the Mens

Our 2 brother in laws are très close

Wait did you notice this?

Looks like dad taught Ash everything she knows

1 comment:

LaModMom said...

new year's resolution... do not let sister Amber take my picture showing a side view. Yikes!
Can you say Chunky Monkey!