Thursday, January 7, 2010

Guys, I'm gonna be an excellent mom

I've been hanging out a lot with kids teaching them dance numbers

No! I'm not wearing my pajamas!

And I've been taking lessons from my friends' kids

Like how you can brush your hair with food

Look how happy this one is to be near me

And why yes, we do have this one in a bar

I learned babies love bars

I think that's what this was telling me.

And I'll teach about candy + hygiene and how candy should come before & after it.

And I already know about eating right.

Stephen Covey taught me about that.

And I'll only buy the sexiest toys for my babies.


Mitch said...

You are going to be the BEST mom. Interested in being a Godmother?

Anonymous said...

You are well on your way to being an AWESOME mom! About the pajama thing: For some reason, It's way hard to get out of your pajamas when most of your day consists of wiping (noses, bums, counters, etc.) My best advice for you is to sleep in a sweatsuit or something that resembles clothing, then you won't be embarrassed when the UPS guy drops something of at 3pm and you still haven't brushed your teeth. Not that it's ever happened to me.

Bek said...

these are all your illegitimate children. i'm onto you.