Saturday, November 14, 2009

Guys, there were some treasures in CA

From my mom's closet

That made me dance

Then there were some scary things

Can you believe the cuss I was into?

I'm surprised I'm not more messed up

But can we be serious for a second and appreciate the obvious talent I displayed at an early early age.

I mean the details of the finger joints and the time I spent on the legs.
What really gets me was how spot on I was with scale and proportion.
And my great love for the cinema started so young.


Di said...

ohhh, i love that you were hot latina annie for halloween 3 years in a row. that drawing helped you get into the art program at byu, right? and that jumpsuit is going to help you land a husband i'm pretty sure. don't worry, i have one too. it's lavender. we'll wear them to church on sunday.

Bek said...

you're a total nut. and i love you for it.

Anonymous said...

THAT's where the Dynasty wardrobe went! Somewhere Joan Collins and Heather Locklear are naked, fuming.

Anonymous said...

Ok, i admit-
At first, i just thought you were showing off your baptism suit
[And that you still fit into it]