Monday, November 16, 2009

Guys, Halloween was Different this year

You know how meticulous I am about research and my costumes right?
(You can ask Monkey what meticulous means)

I wanted to get it right so I even took time to stretch

Then it was time to get the others ready

Lestat needed help with her bow tie

Bob Ross needed help with his 'fro

His hair is v. similar to Di's so she was a natural help

Then it was time to get into character

The walk over to the Parade might have been the best part

I mean, waiting in this line was just fine

See, we look happy enough

And Di found stuff to do

Like sing "More Than a Feeling" to us

And then. . . And then it started to rain

Di didn't care even though she was wearing suede, felt and velvet

I spray painted my Karen O. wig black
So I melted

Hair, hat, costume, everything

But other than melting all over yourself, the rain also makes you cold.

So we cut short our walk in the Parade and went to get Italian Dessert.

I washed my face twice when I got home and I still looked like this:


jendar said...

love your costume!!!

LaModMom said...

Once again, I am so old and not hip enough to even remotely know who Karen O. is.

I guess I will google it and learn something once again from Amber.

Hepworths said...

i miss di's house, and her teeth look strangely too real, i'm scared! your construction paper hat reminds me of my flower head, remember? ambie pants i want to hug your body!