Saturday, November 21, 2009

Guys, did I tell you about my Italy trip?


(hey, when were you going to tell me my glasses looked like that?)

were in the Tuscany countryside

when we came upon this hilltop town

with the best narrow streets ever born

and really short archways - good thing some of us are short

(this is me spotting Di while she does something really difficult)

and there were all these crowds of people

some of them were wearing clothing that did not fit the climate

there were all these blockades

so we could see something was happening - maybe something religious or red

and i tried to get a better look

we got bored and found this passage way to an underground cellar/ torture chamber. Does it look familiar? No - why should it?

oh! they must be filming something because there was an actor

and a fake fountain that wasn't made of stone at all

and a clock tower with red flags

and then this door that was guarded like crazy

until one point when security went to chase after some young girls - so us 3 sneaked in

and this is what we saw

Di & Stacey were very stealth when they sneaked out but I did the opposite which confused security

So I think they were filming the movie Quantum of Solace

Overall a good time was had by all in Montepulciano on the New Moon set (ha! YOU didn't think I'd admit to it, huh?)

(no - I'm not pregnant - do you think I'd announce that on a blog?!)

And we ate well

(ohhhhh, that's why I look preggers)


Anonymous said...

SHUT-uP! Not-uh! No Way.
Oh wait, i sat next to the blond starlet of those photos on set-
So that means i touched someone who was in the same room as the cast. Ha.

Anonymous said...

And i've definitely slept with the brunette from those pics-
So THAT means i've slept with someone who's been in the same room as Rpatts

Di said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! (That was me screaming) Those were the days of our lives!! There's nothing I enjoy more than sitting at my computer, eating some delicious carne a-sa-da, and reliving these precious moments. Seriously why don't they just re-name New Moon "Precious" cuz that's what it is to me.

Jenna Theobald Broadbent said...

I now have a picture of Amber and Di on my mantle and there is a candle forever burning to celebrate their amazingness. And I bring fresh flowers to lay at your shrine. Because you guys are just that amazing.

LaModMom said...

Aarica and I have already seen New Moon twice! She begged to go today too, but I said "not 'til you finish your homework you Cullen lover!"
It's 11:09 PM and she's still doing homework... I love that you walked where RPATZ aka, Edward Cullen walked. You are so cool. That's why god gave me you as a sista...

Bek said...

i'm honestly so jealous of your life.