Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So 6 years ago I started a little book I like to call 'The Brohers Karamazov' & I didn't get past chapter 1 - so Now my belated 2008 New Year's Resoluion is to read it (I didn't say finish it!). And to get in the mood we went to see a band tonight that made me feel like I was in the movie XXX, no not That one! this one: XXX

Because the connection between Vin Diesel's XXX & Dostoevsky are so painfully obvious.
Before you say anything - you should know that being an extra in XXX is a good thing - I saw that movie more than once in the theater.

The show was very nice except I thought the people there would smell like my new perfume (that has bits of real panther in it) but instead they smelled like the worst imaginable thing ever created. I've never been to such a smelly concert - & I've been to concerts in Glasgow (hi Niall!).

Tomorrow I'm going to wear purple just because the lead singer told me to and Ash is going to become an astrophysicist 'cause apparently every family needs one.
Wait - all my purple's in the wash & I'm flying in 1 hour - this'll have to do:

(bet you didn't know I was a Magritte fan...? Well I'm Not)

Seriously - can someone stop Ash from singing about astrophysicists - she won't stop & I want/need/ insist upon at least an hour's sleep before I leave. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look like cousin it.
are you too young to know who that is?
check it out at: