Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My face getting split open wasn't the only accident

OK, this one made me MAD

So this is me - clearly CLEARLY I have dibs on this wave

but little Monkey decided that...
SHE wanted to get in on the photo op
or show me up (because let's be honest she was a way better surfer)
or Maybe it was the trusy ol' Sister Gene kicking in where you want exactly what your sister wants just because and in reality you don't Really want it. . .

And this is a nice photo compared to what happened. We basically beat each other up using our boards, the waves and our bodies. She's lucky she didn't pop my stitches open - or else she would have walked away with a lot worse than bruised ribs.

OK - maybe I didn't cause her bruised ribs but I'll take credit for it anyway.


Anonymous said...

California girls surfing in Costa Rica are hot!

Anonymous said...

That remind's me of a song by elton john: "She's a b----, she's a b----, the VAMPIRE'S back!" Hahahahahaha