Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy NovAMBER People~!

Have You Heard?!
This month is kinda a big deal . . .
Between this little girl having a birthday:

 being taken OFF THE MARKET
(talk about HOT mergers + acquisitions-
no wonder the NYSE was closed for a couple days! ;)
((Oooo, Too sooooon?))
Well too bad - buckle your seatbelts kids,
Cuz this blog has officially been high-jacked
is comin' atcha like an Amber outta the gates:
Oh, you didn't know she raced @ Xterra World Championships in Maui?
There's a lot you don't know
but are about to find out!
Stay tuned.
(Why yes, that IS a TOTAL STRANGER dude that chimed in
at the end of our video
because just the sight of Amber prancing by inspires grown men to sing).

1 comment:

LaModMom said...

17celebrate... good times, c'mon!
yeah, it's novamber..

got my seatbelt fastened!
ready for the ride baby!