Monday, November 14, 2011

Guys, it's me again

So the family had to pack up our house last week and along with the severe back pain we all have, there were some great discoveries.

This is a Christmas story where I look liked this:
(so you know who to picture through out this tale).

Christmas Eve 198_, the year the Cabbage Patch kid came out. My dad was out really late that night and when he came home I remember him telling my mom, in a proud but exhausted voice, "I got it."

The next day I got a gift with this nutzo-looking doll in it.

I half-heartedly said "Thank you."

I had no idea that this was the hottest toy of the year. Nay, the decade. I liked pretty dolls that looked like princesses, not thin-lipped, dimpled, yarny haired dolls.

My mom pulled me aside to tell me that this was a very expensive, in-demand doll and my dad went to a lot of work to procure one.

So naturally, I thanked him more profusely
and eventually asked for 2 more.
(As you can see, I had a type.)

My mom asked me if I wanted to keep them for my future children, but this pretty much decided their fate:
I was creeped out then and I am WAY more creeped out now.

Sorry dolls.

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