Saturday, January 8, 2011

Guys, let's go back to what I do best . . .

...Talk about ME

OK, Did you know I had 1 month of parties when I turned really old?

The parents surprised me

With dinner at Mama D's, Jeremy and milk chocolate honeycomb
in that order

Then this lady threw me a party in my home town of Yorba Linda

she had a fancy cake which I liked cause I always dress fancy.
Fancy or homeless -- one of the two.

I had to share it with this guy:
But i didn't mind cause he promised to braid my hair

Then this couple threw me a day-long party in Wales 'cause that's where I celebrated the actual blessed day -- and by blessed I mean cursed

They tricked me into telling them my favorite breakfast food and then surprised me with breakfast in bed
why yes they did get my Crunchies for breakfast (AKA milk chocolate honeycomb)

And my gift was I got to dress this little Kitten anyway I wanted

And Mich made homemade passion fruit macarons as my cake

My friend Lucie
threw me a surprise pizza - pink cake party in NY

And she invited my favorite NY people
Lucie was a dream about not frosting the pink cake -- just the way I like ('cause pink frosting is just taking my sophisticated cake too far).

So this is what happens when you try to avoid your birthday.


Alicia said...

great birthday celebrations.....who are those cute people at your NY party?

Bek said...

well, it's official...the people love you. or at least like you a lot.