Monday, January 24, 2011

Guys, I need to confess something

New photos have surfaced from a wedding in Fall of 2010
with Me as a complete drunkard:

Apparently if you take me to a wedding with the Persian Princess, feed me loads of sugar and turn the music up really loud, madness ensues where I do ridiculous things that I have no recollection of the next morning

I won't even tell you what I was dancing to - let's just say it was the Black Eyed Peas - and somehow at some point I even did air sitar which I'm not proud of. Never mind putting those chemical (glow) sticks in my mouth. . .


Bek said...

lady, this is when i KNEW we were soul mates.

Sarah Tayebi said...

Chris really likes your air guitar- he thinks it must be a very long guitar!