Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Guys, did you know I love trees?

Joyce Kilmer had it right - Trees are awesome (thanks mom for making us memorize a poem every summer).
So I used to walk every morning with my sis and awesome BFF Carolyn and we'd see all these crazy trees.
Doesn't @lisa look glamourous when she walks?

This tree needed some discipline - it was doing just whatever it wanted

This rabies-infested thing lived in a tree and wasn't even scared of us
(he better watch out - I'll give it a piece of gum --
there are no camp counselors around anymore)

I love trees that are so wild they need to be tethered
(or maybe it needs ties because it's too lazy to stand up straight?)

This tree was tired of being hit constantly

This tree was being used as a scrapbook, which borders on abuse to me,
but that's just me

I guess this trip was really important for us to know about

Then of course there was Mr. Tree Man
No? You don't know about him yet?

He's my magical boyfriend who I'm actually just friends with


LaModMom said...

just friends... until someone gets crazy and asks the friend for their hand in marriage... isn't that how Mom and B1st got together?
Wild I say, brilliantly wild.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they musta run out of places to eat, or movies to see. . .

Alicia said...

It's true....we were "just friends".....until about 10 days before our surprise sealing...and yes, I was surprised that friendship turned into the big M word!!