Thursday, September 9, 2010

Guys, I'm not on my compy

I'm on my mama's computer which means I can use all HER photos. And since she's being a good daughter (taking Nana to the Dr.) she can't tell me 'no.'

You know what that means...
Money Shots

She has the best skinny legs (that she wishes were curvier...)
(...but she'll never admit it because she taught us to be grateful we even Have legs)

To 'archive' her old photos she takes photos of them:
isn't she cute? This is @lisa, me, awfred and Monkey.

She LOVES birds.
She used to call THIS bird her boyfriend:
and say things like, 'i hope my boyfriend comes over today.'

She loves birds so much that our 'safe' word was Hummingbird
'Safe' word being the word a stranger could say and we'd know it was OK to go home with them.
Did you have that?
Was that an '80s thing?
You know, your mom tells you 'if a stranger tells you to go with him because something happened to your family and he says 'hummingbird' its OK to go with him.'

NOTE: @lisa just told me it's called a 'password' not a 'safe' word - that sounds better.


Alicia said...

This is my lucky be featured on Ambertines!

Bek said...

i wish i had your mom's legs. seriously.