Sunday, September 13, 2009

NY Kitties do take the cake

Here's why NY cats are the best though:

look at that clean coat - even I'd almost pet that thing

they know how to use modern communication

they're so arty

they don't apologize for watching Dating in the Dark

and they make gosh darn good orange pillows.

Did you know I went to clean my bed off last night and at 6AM i was finally ready to sleep. but my bed looked so good i didn't want to disturb it so i slept on top of the covers hoping not to disturb my masterpiece.

i was feeling sad about how haggered i looked and then i saw this

and i felt ok about life.


Alicia said...

Hey, girlie, looks like your room is ready for company......impressive!

Oh You know who I am... said...

I think mom's giving you the green light to sleep with someone!

You know my motto, repent next week.