Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Guys, I'm not as smart as I look

So I'm in Greece (NOT Santa Fe)

and I want to prove I'm there but feel silly asking people to take my photo... and I also have a Gem (sweater) of a Camera and decide I'll take some awesome self-timed self portraits...

except I forget that I'm an idiot

And when I FINALLY finally get it right...

I forget my pants.

There was actually more than one time when I thought, "Gee, I wish I had pants on..." But those are other stories children, and nanny is very tired right now.


Hepworths said...

sigh...i wish i had your life.

Anonymous said...

i love the jumping on the bed!

i don't know what kinda crap you have to put up with at your job, but i'm guessing it's times like this where you know it's all worth it!

where's the pictures of you breaking plates?

Sarah said...

i want your body.