Sunday, December 4, 2011

Guys, I have an awesome sense of direction

Well, I mean, I should say it's awesome to me, it might be average to you.

I hung out with my Persian Princess and her lovely friends and the night's activity was to show the importance of sight and sound when it comes to sense of direction.

What am I talking about?
I'll explain even more.

How we tested this was to wear headphones with loud music playing and put a bag over our head so it was pitch black. Then we were taken to a football field and told to walk in a straight line. We were given an iPhone with a GPS so everyone's walk was recorded.
I was the first to go so my route is the top left.
Impressive, huh?

My photos were probably the scariest that night
because I thought it would help to walk with one arm up.
I have no recollection of a kid being there.
I'm sure I beat her though.

1 comment:

Bek said...

this was amazing.