Thursday, June 3, 2010

Guys . . .

Yes I went to Panama to suffer (I will give you 1 Euro if you can find me - that's just a few pennies right about now, huh?)
but first I want to discuss something muy importante.
(Also I don't have a card reader to get my real photos of the trip onto my compy)

How great is America?

There are parks with keys that not just anyone can visit (I finally got inside thanks to these 2)

& my Persian Princess (Secret Sister) came to visit because she needed some time in America

We have parks for old people like me - that are also dress friendly

There is a store dedicated to The Dude (you know he's half part Man of My Dreams? The other half would be Jack Donaghue, of course)

And once a year we have a Dance Parade (this is a big deal because I Hate parades - and fireworks - but that's another story - but this one made me weep with joy)

& AND in the parade there are floats w/ ladies wearing pasties, loud techno & sleeping babies (tell me you can see the sleeping kid - I wanted a zoom on my camera phone that day so bad. I also wanted to ask the mom if her child was already deaf but it was too loud)

Oh - do you know I call New York 'America?'
This whole time when I was saying 'America' I was talking about one city.
How pretentious and awful is that?

That's why I have to leave here and move somewhere with fancier bath tubs...
...but still has sisters

Plus, this is what I look like when I'm in my Homeland
Really blurry & happy because everyday is a party
(& my dad is secretly hilarious).

Also I just want to live somewhere that has the best basketball teams (NCAA + NBA)


Anonymous said...

Good Blog.
Mmmmmmm, good in my tummy.
Delicious blog.

Mitch said...

I found you! 5th from the end on the right on the second to last row, of course. You can send the euro to cardiff in the form of a pound. They're about the same these days. I hope the dance parade comes to not American because then I can take my baby to sleep there.

Christy and Jason said...

I found you too and the sleeping baby for that matter. Good luck with the move and the adjustment to everything "new"!

Bek said...

i'm your secret sister who is secretly in love with you. is that wrong?

Di said...

there are things in this post that are making me mad, ya dumb d.