Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guys, did you know I have a thing for dolls?

I mean, we all remember Baby Pearl

Really, it started a while back...

...and then I just started being drawn towards them

I esp. like the more experienced ones - of a vintage persuasion

But this isn't my hand

& the sadder the better

I do like it when the doll has a profession

That means she's serious about life

& when they take time to put some effort into their appearance

Because i'm really shallow

And i like it when they appreciate other dolls

I'm not going to lie . . .

. . . sometimes they make me mad

But mostly they just warm my frigid heart


Bek said...

my mom has a madame alexander collection at home. a few years ago, i convinced her to get rid of all the porcelain dolls in the house because they scared the shit out of me. their eyes follow you everywhere.

but i love the dolls you love.

LaModMom said...

You are a doll. It's no wonder you have a thing for dolls. When you get married, will you name your baby girl, Dolly?
Just wondering...

Mitch said...

that doll plate. again.