Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ever since I looked like this

(you know, a nudist)
I've had a dream

This dream:

No, sorry, THIS dream:

Sleep in a Lighthouse
(NOT find a magical, invisible dragon - i hate animals)

And it only took a lot of years to come true

And how do you get to the lighthouse you ask?

Well 1st we passed through the 7 levels of the Candy Cane forest

through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops

& then we walked through the Lincoln Tunnel



There was some adorable-ness

We did get locked IN

which felt magical

And we did hike through a forest

& cross 2 bridges

at high tide part of the trail is under water- real Dangerous stuff (thank goodness Di was there)

And after all that, this is what we happened upon

Just wait til I show you the INSIDE


Bek said...

stop making me jealous of your love life! how can i get one?

Di said...

you are such a floosy in that first picture.

Anonymous said...

You little vixen! I had my suspicions, and now...

Anonymous said...

That picture! What happened to your style? Guess some people peak early...(cuz i haven't seen anything that genius in a long time). It's ok.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this men's designer Thom Browne stole your hat!

check it out!!!!

This was in the L.A. times. I found the pic online. It's your hat I swear! You wear boys' hats.

Di said...

amber, you look like boy. (i'm quoting something that is from something funny but didn't involve you but i feel like it should've so i wrote it anyway)

hey, i looked at that picture that alisa linked and it is our pant-suit-dream-come-true. can we please wear that and just go up and down the stairs between our apartments and maybe to pomodoro too? it IS almost fashion week.

also, you know how you have it set up where the person posting has to do a stupid word verification?...well, mine says "lamber". that is your new name.

i guess i miss you when you're in florida. lamber.

Anonymous said...

yeah...like Di can walk up stairs in her own pants. Can you imagine what she'd break trying to walk down stairs attached to you at the hip. I don't want to picture it. The blood, the guts, the broken bones. I'm calling Thom Browne right now and telling him not to sell either of you that suit!

AM said...

ladies. i miss you.

and oh my gosh - Thom Browne (who i love love love - as a sister) DID steal my hat

and Di - we need that suit. which one of our moms is going to sew it? If only my mom read my blog. . .

Di said...

i know. and if only my mom knew how to read.

acl said...

Finally pictures of the lighthouse. Amber you needed just a little more fur (or more animal ears) actually you both look practically perfect in every way.