Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hey guys, guess what I like to do?

Oh, you know, just push people down the stairs.

it's true.

i did.

and her name was Di.

it's so convenient that she doesn't remember what happened.

i was just trying to re-create My Movie where the girl trips & falls down the stairs & goes through a window . . . I even worked it out so she dropped a bowl - it shattered & shards of that pierced her foot resulting in massive bleeding.
Who knew she was a hemophiliac?
Maybe she loves the Russian too?

You don't believe me?
You think I took to living in my dream world too seriously?

see! I'm not a total mentalist!

turns out she probably broke a rib.
and she can't breathe properly (do NOT make her laugh).
and her foot never stopped bleeding.
well, almost never
there's more but she can tell you about that

I sent that photo when we were in the ER to a my sisters & these were their responses:

"That should be the cover of a Precious Moments card. Copyright that sh*t & sell it to Hallmark. Send me a cut of the millions."


I feel like I can share this b/c Di was so brave about the whole thing & she looked so pretty through-out.

She also tried to steal her gown b/c it had everything she wanted in life:


I convinced her not to b/c it probably had the plague on it
oh, and it's dishonest and i hate people who steal

Anyway, children, it could have been worse you know

Now go to sleep, nanny, has more things to plan


Di said...

remember when the doc told me he'd have to take a pregnancy test before taking and xray?...

now i know why!

AM said...

Di! you do NOT look pregnant in that photo! Don't listen to Nuevo!

Bek said...

di is too thin to ever look pregnant. even when she is pregnant. also, did you really push her down the stairs?

if so, i am way more into you than over're so soap opera chic.

Anonymous said...

Di is Bella!
You beautiful clumsy creature...

niall said...


acl said...

holy crap - di wasn't kidding about her ribs or the trip to the clinic or that you pushed her down the stairs. poor di.