Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hey guys, let's get nostalgic. . .

It was this time last year that Di and I went to help this guy at work:

Except he looked like this:

Whhaaaaat?! How could someone age like that in 1 year? Never mind, he did.

He's a teacher. He teaches cute kids like these (but actually this kid is cuter than normal kids).

These are the names of the kids he teaches. . .

We were probably the greatest helpers of all time:

(i can tell time)

(di can read too)

Highlights from his room:

. . .and i wonder if Mr. F. would get his feelings hurt when kids would use their $$$ for 2 or 3 books at a time from the library?

At first Di & I were surprised at how often Mr. F would raise his voice (I was genuinely scared of him at times) but at the end of the day I caught myself yelling, "get in your seat, you!" and "stop that right now, you!" (the names were too hard for me to learn). Who knew teaching could be so emotionally exhausting and sticky? Those kids were so gosh darn dirty, I think they wash their hands in syrup.


Unknown said...

How did Mr. F ever give up this glamorous career? I'm sure those sticky fingered kids are missing him greatly.

Stephen said...

hey, i didn't even ever raise my voice while you two were there.

isn't this such a cute post?

Di said...

this is quite an adorable post. however, i have heard it is quite controversial. who knew something so innocent could have such catastrophic results? mah. :(

Di said...

strike that. reverse it.

just realized you removed the really really controversial post.

too bad. i quite like those photos.

AM said...

Dear Di, I didn't remove anything from this post, esp. controversial stuff. Ergo, I continue to offend and at the same time have a really macabre yet facetious story. Love, The Management