Monday, May 9, 2011

Magic Land or The Gentleman's Sports Club

So when you hear 'Sportman's Warehouse' do you think of croquet and badminton?

Cause I do.

I think of sportman-ship and that's something Gentlemen have.

You probably don't think of THIS, right?
Cause I wouldn't have.

Anyway, I should have know when this Welcomed me to the store:

Hey what is that anyway?

Oh, a creepy man pointing a gun? Good.
I thought it was something menacing at first.

And what are those guns pointed at?

How bad-ace is this store when they are willing to shoot their own decor?
It's a blurry photo cause its trying to escape for its life.

OK so its not a gentlemanly store but they did have their own Archery department (that's classy right?)

And dancing kittens

And an homage to Prince

There was something very colonial-primitive about a layaway program for pistols

Hmmm, maybe not colonial - our founding fathers were all rich dudes.
Maybe it's more Andrew Jackson

And if anything is going to great me as I leave a store I want it to be this guy.


Jenna Theobald Broadbent said...

Next time you come to AZ (hurry! it has to be in 3 weeks time!) I'm taking you to the Bass World Emporium (it's called something like that). It's right next to a restaurant called "Toby Keith's I Love This Bar". We'll fake pistol whip each other and then go have fried mozzarella!

Christy and Jason said...

Very funny post, quite enjoyed it:)