Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guys, wanna know why I don't blog?

It's cause I stopped taking photos.

I can't even take credit for this gem but I know you assume I took it

Life is passing me by.

I looked down at my speed-stick thing on my car & it said this:
But that meant I missed watching it go from 99999 to 100000
And if you know how I am with numbers you know this is a big deal.

what's happening to me?

I know what it is -- I need to stop google imaging Bennifer 1.0 photos

and re-fall in love with my blog again.

You remember

Di and I would fight and you knew about it

Monkey and I would coordinate our outfits and you saw it

Mich and I would go somewhere far for no reason at all & tell everyone

And Stacey and I would do whatever it was that we did

Even if you didn't want to see us do Rock Band - I videoed it & you saw it
Well - I might have kept that one private.

There was so much ice-skating! My gosh! All that ice!

And in honor of Arrested Development I always tried to blend in

That's it - I'm going to more theme-d parties if its the last thing I do

- if not for myself - then at least for this blog

And don't tell me it's cause al these things happened in NY.

Well if you did I would see your point.

But listen - I am going to do the same on the Best Coast.

Starting NOW

Tayebi Sisters + 1 Husband + Downtown + Conversation with Tina Fey + Steve Martin + Eating at 11PM.



Mitch said...

Thanks goodness you're back on the interwebs, making your news.

Anonymous said...

YEA!! we have missed you blogging! Now we can sleep soundly knowing we are back in the loop!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus~He is risen!!
(Did i mean your blog or Easter?... You'll never know)