I can't even take credit for this gem but I know you assume I took it
Life is passing me by.
I looked down at my speed-stick thing on my car & it said this:
But that meant I missed watching it go from 99999 to 100000And if you know how I am with numbers you know this is a big deal.
what's happening to me?
and re-fall in love with my blog again.
You remember
Di and I would fight and you knew about it
Monkey and I would coordinate our outfits and you saw it
Mich and I would go somewhere far for no reason at all & tell everyone
And Stacey and I would do whatever it was that we did
Even if you didn't want to see us do Rock Band - I videoed it & you saw it
Well - I might have kept that one private.
There was so much ice-skating! My gosh! All that ice!
And in honor of Arrested Development I always tried to blend in
That's it - I'm going to more theme-d parties if its the last thing I do
- if not for myself - then at least for this blog
And don't tell me it's cause al these things happened in NY.
Well if you did I would see your point.
But listen - I am going to do the same on the Best Coast.
Starting NOW
Tayebi Sisters + 1 Husband + Downtown + Conversation with Tina Fey + Steve Martin + Eating at 11PM.