Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guys, did you know I appreciate the arts?

I especially love expounding on the topic to the masses.
I also love matching my shopping bags to my hats.
Can't wait for my orange hat one day.

Well, you'd think this was just another average couple taking a holiday card
but really it was performance art at its finest.
In my head they started to sing Elton John's "Step Into Christmas" but actually that was just me singing it behind them. I really did stand next to them and sing (ask Bek).

Ahh, the best kind of art, art about cats sans the involvement of an actual cat

I love it when people bring art into their homes

or just outside their homes

Not only did Banksy get fancy security / protection on this wall -
he got a lovely sign explaining to everyone why this piece was important.
In Chinese.

Not to be outdone, Bek appreciated the fine arts in her own special way