Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guys, did I ever tell you . . .

. . . Sometimes I see the world in Black + White

Or wait, sometimes the world is prettier in Black + White

Yeah, that's what I meant



You're all welcome.

And Happy Birthday to CT, LA, UCI and DI.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Have you properly met Nuevo & Di?

This is Nuevo & Di

Oh, I mean, THIS is Nuevo & Di

You can see how I'd get confused, right?

All that shaggy hair and adorable-ness

Anyway, did you know magical things happen when they get together?

like alternate universes and light shows

and I'm sure there are lasers involved

It's crazy dreamy.

And, this is what happens when they're not in your life:

You try to make pasta and then you can't open the lid because your arms are too weak and you think you're going to starve and then you remember you can make mac and cheese in a box but you don't have milk so you make it sans milk and then you see on the box it says you need milk and unsalted butter so its not too salty . . . and you eat it in the dark because you're too short to change the light bulb.

Happy Easter.

I said Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guys, I have an important anouncement

I decided I'm done being the communist bridesmaid

And I was so inspired by all the art i was surrounded by recently

From Classic

To Abstract

To Sexy

To Way Too Sexy

(if fact - stop looking at this one)

So like I was saying . . .