Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guys, I've always held back. . . until now


When a boy writes your name in the dirt with a bullet, it's basically over.
I didn't even ask him to - he just went off on his own and wrote it.

Who knew my own name would do it for me?

Today, for example, he sent me this:
From his notes from today's meeting.

Yep, I love my name written out . . . by this guy:
But wait - before you judge me - you should know

. . . he's got a sweet spirit too.

But mostly he's just hot.

But by hot I mean really funny.

Nah, I mean hot.


Mitch said...

AMBER!! don't hold back any more. please.

Hepworths said...

DYING over your last posts! All I can say is that magic man IS seriously hot, I cannot believe a tick sucked your blood, I love that your cute dad had a pinata for his birthday (Grant's favorite thing in the world), and you look so beautiful in that pink dress. Miss you and hope to be getting many more updates on this blog of yours.